2022 — A year of uncomfortable actions

Amrita Mishra
6 min readJan 5, 2023


When 2021 ended and 2022 started, everyone asked, “How would you describe 2021 in ONE word?” the answer was “Transformation.”

But 2022 has brought in more transformation than I had ever imagined. I can literally feel the shift in my mindset, my emotional resilience, and whatnot.


By taking uncomfortable action, stepping outside my comfort zone, feeling my fear, and doing it anyway.

I can’t start telling you how much I LOVE sharing what I’ve done and learned through my experiences.

I hope my 2022 inspires you to take that uncomfortable action outside your comfort zone and see the growth for yourself.

Let’s get started.


The month was pretty unusual with COVID 3rd wave here in India, and I was preparing for my Placement interviews to be conducted in February.

I was also simultaneously freelancing for a few clients, and I also closed one of my highest-paying clients so far. It was hectic, and it was overwhelming too.

At times I felt lonely because very few of my friends were on campus, but I learned to enjoy my own company. I read books, journaled a lot, and created many reels for my client's work as well.


It was the first time I ever attended Valentine’s day event. It was uncomfortable because I didn’t want to focus on dating then.

But it went well. I had a singing performance, a random karaoke session, delicious food from the food club, a salsa dancing session (I’ve never done salsa before), and a blind date! It was a memorable day, and I interacted with many new people.

The picture from Valentine’s Day Eve

It was finally D-day. The first interview I gave was at Mastercard, and I bagged a job there. ❤

A pretty unique thing about it was that I never visualized getting into Mastercard. I had only visualized the process, that all the interviews I was giving were going smoothly, and I was confident and at ease. I think that helped quite a bit. :)


It was a tipsy-topsy month. I had to make a tough decision to stop talking to one of my best friends temporarily.

I went on my grad trip and had one of the toughest treks so far. I vomited a few times, but I did my best to enjoy the trip. My peers helped me a lot, and I’m grateful to them. :)

After surviving half the trek successfully.

I invested in getting into a paid community for the first time and loved the initial experience. But later, since I didn’t find much value in it, I dropped off the same.

I also successfully conducted a 31-day Journaling challenge with 15+ people who joined me on the journey. I used to send 1 journal prompt to them every single day. Get Journal prompts to start a journaling habit.


I spoke about a career change at Google Developer Group Raipur’s International Women’s Day Summit.

It was uncomfortable because even though I had switched my career a few times, I never reflected on it and never talked about it openly.

But April was a celebratory month after 3 months of taking uncomfortable actions consistently. I had a fantastic time at my cousin’s thread ceremony and my Convocation at IIM Calcutta.


As I was enjoying my time relaxing at home, my equation with two of my friends got terrible. I felt really hurt.

I also doubted myself because I had invested INR 10K in a Programme that I wasn’t really working on.

Although I was afraid to move to a new place and start with my Corporate job at one hand, I was very much looking forward to it because I wanted to get out of that mentally draining space.


In June, I made one of the most uncomfortable decisions of my life to invest in my Mindset, which was the highest amount I had ever invested and which turned out to be one of the best decisions.

I literally felt the transformation I had, physically and mentally. I loved and connected with myself in a much more positive way than ever, all thanks to my coach, the boss lady Manvi Bansal.

This month also marks the first time I ever attended an offline meetup, which was mind-blowing. More details about the meetup here.

My first-ever offline meetup


This month was uncomfortable because it took a lot of courage for me to trust another person again. The partnership with this person has turned out to be a fantastic decision so far, and I hope it continues to be so. :)


I went for the first time for a full body checkup and it turned out really well.

I also tried experimenting with my content by creating content consistently on Linkedin and Instagram, along with my job. My experiments were pretty successful but I struggled to continue it consistently. I hope to restart it soon. :D


Although it started on an amazing note since my friends had come to celebrate my birthday.

But I’m even more grateful that they were there by my side in one of the most difficult times in my life (that I don’t want to discuss in this blog). Due to this, my office work got affected as well.


Performance review was tough on my mental health, since I was putting in a lot of efforts but it didn’t turn out well.

I was also trying to get back to routine with my work and personal life. Overall, things were crazy in September and October. I also had some skin issues for which I had to start medication.


This was a pretty decent month as compared to the two months before this. I worked with more focus and created better quality work. I didn’t give up and tried to take all the feedback with a growth mindset.

People at my workplace, and my personal life really supported me a lot. I’m super grateful to them.


I got back home with my family and took a breath from the roller coaster ride I was in.

I tried launching a LinkedIn group coaching program but didn’t find any buyers. It just made me realize how important Content creation is for people to know, like and trust you.

So, overall, 2022 had been amazing. I had many ups and downs, much more than what I wrote about today. But I’m so glad I learned from my mistakes and kept going on.

In 2023, I will narrow down my focus and take baby steps with all the goals I have.

2022, Thank you for everything. :)
2023, Let’s go. :D



Amrita Mishra

Making a Positive Impact in your Life, one post at a time 😊 | Connecting & Inspiring with Stories and Experiences ✨ | Creating Content Online 🤩