How to Make Yourself a Priority and Accept Yourself?

Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King — Book summary and review (Part 2)

Amrita Mishra
5 min readJul 29, 2023

Hello, welcome to Part — 2 of the book summary and review.

Before you dive in, make sure you’ve read Part — 1, where we talked about self-love, the law of vibrations, and how to increase your vibrations.

Let’s continue and learn about making yourself a priority and accepting yourself.

Making Yourself a Priority

  1. Check your own behavior: We’re quick to point out what’s wrong with someone else so that we can avoid taking responsibility for our own actions.
    Even when you think someone’s overreacting, you must try to understand the root cause of why they feel the way they do. Usually, it’s because you’ve violated one of their personal values. And if someone says they’re hurt by your actions, you must believe they’re hurt; you can’t decide whether they felt hurt in the first place.
  2. The power of having good people around you: All relationships require work, endless communication, and tremendous understanding, and can be challenging. But while giving up isn’t always the answer, sometimes you have to walk away, especially when you lose your sense of self.
    How to determine if you’re in a toxic relationship, and what should you do?
    Trust your intuition. You’ll know it’s your gut when you have a sense of almost knowing you’ve arrived at the answer without a reasoning process. Sometimes, it will feel like something inside you is urging you to take note. It’s almost physical.
    Another way of knowing what you should do is to consider that your child is going through the exact same situation and think of what you would advise them. Usually, you already know the answer.
  3. Choose real friendships: True friends want the best for you. They don’t become bitter when you get better; they help you get better and ensure you don’t become bitter! Simplify your circle of friends.

Less is always more when your less means more.

4. Facing family: It’s up to you to show your doubters that you’re doing everything in your power to make your chosen path worthwhile. If you don’t prove that you’re serious about what you want to do, you can’t expect other people to be serious about it, either.

5. Being there for others: We all want to be there for the people we love and care about, but we can’t do a good job at it if we don’t have the energy for it ourselves.
If you’re listening to someone ranting on about how troublesome their life is and you’re not feeling great yourself, you could be heading for a major energy drain. Although lending an ear can be helpful, increasing the number of unhappy people in the world doesn’t benefit anyone. Protect your energy first.

6. Handling negative people:

  • People who are vibrating at a low frequency often want to drag others down to their level.
  • People who feel threatened will often try to dim your light.
  • Hurt people hurt (other) people.
  • People tend to dislike people who are different from them.
  • What people say about you reveals more about themselves than about you.

7. Give up the habit of being a people-pleaser and start pleasing yourself! Someone will always see a flaw in you.

8. Let your good vibes protect you

9. Dare to leave a toxic job

From the book “Good Vibes Good Life”

Accepting Yourself

You won’t be necessary to other people all the time, and that’s why you have to be necessary to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Take care of yourself.

Encourage positive self-talk — and become your own support system. Your needs matter, so start meeting them yourself. Don’t rely on others.

Start giving yourself the permission to feel good.

When you accept yourself as you are, you put emphasis on your own well-being and joy — and you’ll be content with the idea that not everyone will accept you as you are. You’ll know your worth, so you won’t care if others don’t recognize it.

In fact, you’ll come to understand why they don’t recognize it: unfortunately, because most people don’t accept themselves, they search for flaws in others.

  1. Appreciate your physical beauty: There are no rules to beauty. Never stop appreciating your own beauty.
  2. Your competition is you: Outdoing yourself is your daily task, and that’s where your comparison should be directed: on the person you were yesterday.
    Look at other people’s lives and applaud their successes. And then continue to pursue your own. Be grateful for what you have right now. And remember how far you’ve come as you continue in the direction of your dreams.
  3. Value your inner beauty: If we strive to call more people beautiful because of their kindness, we’ll become more interested in changing how we behave.
  4. Celebrate your achievements: If you’ve pulled yourself out of a dark place, that’s a great success in itself. You’re winning each day you don’t give up, and you make it through to the next.
  5. Respect your uniqueness
  6. Forgive yourself for the bad decisions you’ve made, the times you lacked belief, and the times you hurt others and yourself. What matters most is your willingness to move forward with a better mindset.
    Every mistake you make can help you to improve as a person. But to use the lesson within each of your mistakes, you must first learn to let them go. Don’t punish yourself for what you’ve done, and instead, focus on what you can do better.
    It’s just as important to let go of the past, too. People may have done things to you in the past that you feel are unforgivable. Attaching yourself to these ill feelings will only destroy your mood, dragging your vibration down.

Forgiveness isn’t about condoning someone’s poor behavior and it doesn’t always mean that you need to invite individuals back into your life; it simply means that you’ll no longer allow them power over your thoughts and control over your emotional state.

I hope you enjoyed reading this summary till here.

To learn about manifesting your goals and living your life purpose, check out Part — 3 here.



Amrita Mishra

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