Manifest your goals and follow through with your Purpose in spite of the pain.

Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King — Book summary and review (Part 3)

Amrita Mishra
6 min readJul 29, 2023

Hey, welcome to the final part of the book summary of this wonderful book, “Good Vibes Good Life.”

If you want to learn about self-love, the law of vibrations, and how to increase your vibrations, check out Part — 1 of the book summary.

If you want to learn about making yourself a priority and accepting yourself, check out Part — 2 of the book summary.

Make sure you read both parts before you dive into this final part.

Manifesting Goals: Mind Work + Taking Action

‘Whatever man’s mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’ ~ Napolean Hill

  1. The importance of positive thinking: Every single thought is either helping you move forward or holding you back. Positive thinking is the act of choosing ideas that empower you over those that limit you.
  2. Your mentality forms your reality: So the next time someone tells you you’re being unrealistic about your goal and to come back to reality, realize that it’s only their reality that they’re talking about, not yours.
  3. Understanding your subconscious mind and going beyond thoughts: If you can’t change a situation, change your perception of it. That’s where your personal power is. Either be controlled — or be in control.
    The brain is optimized to make subconscious decisions on autopilot to make it easier for us. However,

The practice of living consciously is unlearning and reconditioning the mind so you can have more freedom to be who you really are.

4. One thought is all it takes: If we change just one thought to a more positive one, and we really believe in it, we change our whole perception of the world. This new perception has the power to change outcomes.

5. Changing your beliefs: If you can change your beliefs, you can change your life:

  • The first step is to identify which core beliefs you want to change. Question the validity of these beliefs and check how credible the source of these beliefs was.
  • If you want to change your belief, you have to disprove your current belief by finding enough rational evidence to support the belief you want. There are always success stories out there that will assist you in this process.

6. Repeating affirmations is a conscious process of sending instructions to your subconscious. Once these beliefs are planted, your subconscious mind will do everything it can to bring these ideas to fruition. Find proof before affirming ideas so that these statements aren’t rejected.
Only repeat positive statements — don’t recite what you don’t want. What we resist often persists. Affirmations should be spoken in the present tense.

7. Set the Intention: Before going after your goals, you have to know what you want. If you’re confused about your intention, the results that follow will reflect that. Your goals should reflect who you are as a person.

Once you make an intention clear, the Universe will work in miraculous ways in our favor.

8. Write down your goals: When you write down your goals, you turn your intentions into something tangible. Define them in detail, and this will help you to stay focused so you don’t lose your way.

9. Imagine it to live it: If our brain believes that the ideas we’re feeding it are true, then our life will begin to reflect that, too. While imagining, make sure you involve multiple senses into it to make it feel more real.

The Universe is supporting you.

Don’t worry about how it’s going to happen; otherwise, you’ll begin to create limitations. Just be certain about what you want, and the entire Universe will rearrange itself for you.

From the book “Good Vibes Good Life”

It’s not about where you’re at. It’s about what you’re doing about where you’re at. Believe in your vision and act on it. Steps towards your goals come disguised as opportunities to take action. If you don’t take action, you’ll miss out on the reward.

  1. Change requires action: Intention without action is just a wish. A goal only comes to life when you decide to pursue it. The Universe is always supporting you, but you must be willing to do your part in the manifestation process.
  2. The easy route: If you want something enough, you’ll take action on it. But don’t wait for your pain threshold to be tested. This will only delay results in the manifestation process. How badly do you want to achieve your goals? Do you want them more than you fear the process of getting there?
  3. Consistency leads to results: With consistency, we can create habits that shape our lives. If something is important to you, you’ll make the time for it. Aristotle said, ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ If you’ve given something a good shot, but you’re not progressing, it might be a sign for you to try a new approach.
  4. Ordinary or Extraordinary? Extraordinary people will get things done even when they don’t feel like it, even when things aren’t always easy because they’re fully committed to their goals.
  5. The habit of Procrastination will delay your dreams: Distractions are more comfortable when the task seems insurmountable. But remember, you don’t need it all figured out. Have courage and start now; start small. Just go for it!
    Devise a strategy to overcome procrastination. Break your goals down into smaller goals and prioritize them in order of urgency.
  6. Swap short-term pleasures for long-term gains: We don’t want to wait, and if we have to wait, we may lose faith in our intentions.
    We should enjoy our lives and make the most of every moment. However, giving up what you want most for what you want now can deprive you of life’s real treasures.
  7. Faith vs. Fear: The faith I’m talking about is the one that says, ‘I’m going to win,’ when all you can see is losses. Hang on to it and keep believing, even if that means you’re the only one who does.
  8. Flow with the Universe: Embrace good vibes and learn to let things flow. There is no need to force outcomes. What’s meant to be yours will come to you. Things will unfold in their own time and for your highest good — sometimes in a way you hadn’t imagined.

Pain & purpose

Life doesn’t battle you because you’re weak, it battles you because you’re strong. It knows that if it gives you pain, you’ll realize your power.

  1. Lessons repeat themselves: Sometimes, we’re given the same test more than once, and it can be even harder the second or third time around.
  2. Notice the warning signs: You’re always being guided by the Universe. But if something doesn’t go the way you wanted, ask yourself what you can learn from it — because every bad experience has a learning outcome to be taken on board.
  3. Your higher purpose: Following your ‘excitement’ is the shortest path to realizing what you want. You don’t need to justify it; you just need to do it. Don’t worry about how things will unfold for you.

You were created with intention. You are here to help, love, assist, save, and entertain. You are here to inspire and put a smile on someone’s face. You are here to make a difference.

4. Money & greed: Money flows to those who believe they deserve it and can attain it. You should focus your mind on prosperity — there’s power in believing and allowing wealth to flow to you.
Money is readily available to everyone, and the distance between you and money is determined only by your attitude toward it. Money will only assist you, not complete you. It’s not what gives you your life purpose.
You can’t add value to the world and serve others by accumulating lots of money. You must also have the desire to make a difference.

5. Achieving true happiness: To sustain happiness, you must work towards self-mastery. It’s an inward journey that requires substantial spiritual growth. Embrace what is. Be happy.

Remember that there’s a lesson in every challenge and a lesson in every failure, which means your failures don’t have to be failures at all; they’re just twists in your path to greatness.

If you commit your whole heart to achieving something and it doesn’t work out, you can take that as a promise from the Universe that it wasn’t the right thing for you. Something better is coming. Keep going.

You have everything you need to create an exciting and beautiful life, and it all begins with loving yourself.

By building and maintaining a high vibration, you’ll achieve your dreams. And even if it takes a long time, your high vibration will make you feel good along the way. That’s all we really want, isn’t it? To live a life that feels good.

I hope you enjoyed this three-part series of “Good Vibes Good Life” book summary. If you can get a copy of this book, please read it. If you apply the principles mentioned in this book, it can literally change your life.



Amrita Mishra

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