Raise your Vibrations and get anything you want in life

Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King — Book summary and review (Part 1)

Amrita Mishra
4 min readJul 29, 2023

Welcome to Part — 1 of the three parts of this book summary (because I had so many notes and I didn’t want to leave out anything).

I wanted to read a good Mindset book for a very long time. So when my coach recently suggested this book, I dived right into it.

It’s absolutely mind-blowing, inspiring, and beautiful, and it strongly makes you believe you can make all your dreams and desires come true.

I’m not exaggerating.

I didn’t want to read motivational books that just recommended “Positive thoughts” as a solution. I thought it was one of those books.

But I’m so glad this book went over and beyond my expectations.

If I have to pick out the ONE key takeaway from this book, it would be this:

Impress yourself. Stretch yourself. Test yourself.
Be the best version of you that you can be.

Let’s start with the summary.

It is divided into six segments:

  1. On self-love (Part — 1)
  2. On the law of vibration (Part — 1)
  3. How to raise your vibrations? (Part — 1)
  4. Make yourself a priority and accept yourself (Part — 2)
  5. Manifesting goals: Mind work and Taking action (Part — 3)
  6. Pain & Purpose (Part — 3)

On Self-love

  1. It’s essential to recognize that letting go of those who show no concern for you is not unjust.
  2. Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better and then working towards it.

When you love yourself, life will begin to love you back.

On the Law of Vibration

  1. The Universe responds to your vibration. It will return whatever energy you put out.
  2. Change the way you think, feel, speak, and act, and you begin to change your world.
  3. The best way to identify what frequency you’re on is through your emotions — your emotions show a true reflection of your energy.
  4. Ultimately, self-love and raising your vibration level go hand in hand.

When you try to raise your vibration, you show yourself the love and care you deserve.

You’ll feel good and attract good. You'll manifest more incredible things by taking positive actions and changing your mindset.

By loving yourself, you’ll live a life you love.

How to raise your Vibrations?

  1. Surround yourself with positive people who are vibing’ higher than you. Energy is contagious. Moreover, we attract people who vibrate at the same frequency as us.
  2. Change your body language: By changing our outer state, we can change our inner state. If you can act like someone who feels good, your internal state will change, and your vibration will rise.
  3. Take some time to relax: Sometimes, you have to unplug yourself from the world for a moment, so you can reset yourself.
  4. Find some inspiration: Some examples given in the book are “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho and “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith.
  5. Stay clear of gossip and drama: When we discuss others in a negative way, we’re sending negative energy out into the Universe. It lowers our own vibration, resulting in toxic events in our lives and reproducing ill feelings. People who spend time gossiping are the ones who seem to complain or find comfort in misery.
    Your ego is your self-image created by thought. It’s your social mask, one that constantly requires validation because it lives in fear of losing its sense of identity. Our ego always wants to feel significant and adored. It seeks instant gratification. It wants to feel more powerful than other people.
  6. Sort out your nutrition and water: What you consume consumes you; what consumes you control your life.
  7. Gratitude: Gratitude was the most obvious, unsurprising one for me, and gratitude journaling changed my life too. But it is still surprising how many people don’t show gratitude to the Universe daily.
    If you still don’t, I highly recommend you start. It helps you feel better and changes your outlook toward life to see the silver lining more frequently.

Greatness starts with being grateful. The more you count your blessings, the more blessings you’ll have to count.

Snippet from the book Good Vibes Good Life

8. Study your emotions: Learn to understand everything you feel to transform the negative thoughts into something healthier, so you can feel better.

Here’s how:

  • Identify what emotion you are feeling
  • Question/Challenge it: Why do you feel the way you do? What thoughts are responsible for this? Posing such questions can reveal limitations in your thinking. You’ll realize you have made false assumptions and focused on the negative aspects of situations in your life.
  • Understand the deeper meaning behind your emotions and use them as opportunities to grow.
  • Replace the disempowering thoughts with empowering ones. Ask yourself, “How can I view or do things differently to help myself feel better and live a greater life?”
  • Visualize yourself handling the emotion you’re currently feeling — in the future. If you rehearse over and over again a situation in which you deal with the emotion, you’ll know exactly how to manage it the next time it comes up in your life. Repetition is the key to mastery.

9. Awareness of the present: Nothing is more valuable than the present moment because you can never get it back. You may create a visual memory that you can retrace, but physically you cannot experience it again.

Every second you spend thinking about the next moment, you avoid embracing the present. Ensure your life isn’t lived entirely in your head.

10. Meditate: Too self-explanatory to write an explanation here. However, if you struggle to start your meditation journey, this LinkedIn post might help.

I hope you enjoyed reading this summary till here.

To learn about making yourself a priority and accepting yourself, check out Part — 2 here.



Amrita Mishra

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